Sarah has $4.55 worth of change in nickels and dimes. If she has 5 times as many nickels as dimes, how many of each type of coin does she have?

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations.

Let's denote the number of nickels as N and the number of dimes as D.

We're given two pieces of information:

1. The total value of the coins is $4.55. Since one nickel is worth $0.05 and one dime is worth $0.10, we can express this information as an equation:

0.05N + 0.10D = 4.55

2. Sarah has 5 times as many nickels as dimes. This can also be expressed as an equation:

N = 5D

Now we have a system of two equations. We can solve this system using substitution or elimination.

Using substitution, we substitute N in the first equation with its equivalent value from the second equation (N = 5D):

0.05(5D) + 0.10D = 4.55

0.25D + 0.10D = 4.55

0.35D = 4.55

To solve for D, divide both sides of the equation by 0.35:

D = 4.55 / 0.35

D ≈ 13

Now, substitute the value of D back into the second equation to find N:

N = 5D

N = 5(13)

N = 65

Therefore, Sarah has 65 nickels and 13 dimes.

number of dimes --- d

number of nickels --- 5d

10d + 5(5d) = 455

state your conclusion.