A pharmacy claims that the average medication costs $32 but it could differ as much as $8. Write and solve an absolute value inequality to determine the range of medication costs at this pharmacy.

|x − 32| ¡Ý 8; The medication costs range from $24 to $40

|x − 32| ¡Ý 8; The medications cost less than $24 or greater than $40.

|x − 32| ¡Ü 8; The medication costs range from $24 to $40

|x − 32| ¡Ü8; The medications cost less than $24 or greater than $40.

is it c pls help me


Yes, you are correct! The correct absolute value inequality is |x - 32| ≤ 8. This means that the medication costs range from $24 (32 - 8) to $40 (32 + 8). So, option C is the correct answer.

Yes, option C is correct. The correct absolute value inequality to determine the range of medication costs is |x − 32| ≤ 8. This inequality states that the distance between x and 32 is less than or equal to 8. By solving this inequality, we find that the medication costs range from $24 to $40.

|x-32| <= 8

The cost must be within $8 of $32.

So, what numbers are 8 below and 8 above 32?