1) Large/tough seeds act as a selection pressure on what trait?

a. Large bills

b.Large feathers

c.Dark feathers

d.Long tails

2) What causes the change in bill depth between 1976 and 1978?

a.The lack of rain

b.The persistence of only larger seeds

c.Differential survival of large-billed birds

d.Change in alleles

e.All of the above

3 )What would a decrease in Bmp4 cause?

a. An increase in beak depth (leading to bigger beaks)

b. A decrease in beak depth (leading to smaller beaks)

c. .An increase in body size (leading to larger beaks)

d. A decrease in body size (leading to smaller beaks)

1) a

2) a

3) b

Please check my answers!

Thank you!

1) a

2) e
3) b

Your answers are incorrect. Here are the correct answers:

1) Large/tough seeds act as a selection pressure on option: a. Large bills

2) The change in bill depth between 1976 and 1978 was caused by option: e. All of the above (The lack of rain, the persistence of only larger seeds, differential survival of large-billed birds, and change in alleles)

3) A decrease in Bmp4 causes option: b. A decrease in beak depth (leading to smaller beaks)

Your answers are correct!

For the first question, large/tough seeds act as a selection pressure on the trait of large bills. This is because birds with larger bills are better able to crack open and consume these large seeds, giving them a survival advantage over birds with smaller bills.

For the second question, the change in bill depth between 1976 and 1978 is caused by the lack of rain. This results in a decrease in the availability of smaller seeds, which leads to a higher proportion of larger seeds. As a result, birds with larger bills have a better chance of survival because they are better equipped to handle these larger seeds.

For the third question, a decrease in Bmp4 causes a decrease in beak depth, leading to smaller beaks. Bmp4 is a gene that controls the growth of the beak during development. When its expression is reduced, the beak does not grow to its full size, resulting in a decrease in beak depth and smaller beaks.