Joe decides to take his six year old son to the planetarium. The price for the child's ticket is 5.75 dollars less than the price for the adult's ticket. If you represent the price for the child's ticket using the variable "x," how would you write the algebraic expression for the adult's ticket price?


x over 5.75

x + 5.75


I think its c pls help me


thx so much


To express the algebraic expression for the adult's ticket price, you need to consider that the child's ticket price is $5.75 less than the adult's ticket price.

So, if we let "x" represent the price for the child's ticket, the algebraic expression for the adult's ticket price would be "x + 5.75".

Therefore, your answer is correct. The correct algebraic expression for the adult's ticket price is:

x + 5.75 (Option C)