The Magna Carta and writings of __________ illustrate the English legal heritage that limited government authority.

A. John Locke

B. Thomas Jefferson

C. Patrick Henry

D. James Madison

I am pretty sure its A

You are correct! The answer is A. John Locke.

To arrive at this answer, here's how you can approach the question:

1. Understand the context: The question is about the English legal heritage that limited government authority. This implies that we need to look for a writer or philosopher whose writings align with limited government authority.

2. Familiarize yourself with the options: You need to assess each option and determine if they are relevant to the English legal heritage and limited government authority.

- Thomas Jefferson (B) and James Madison (D) were influential figures in American history who contributed to the United States' legal heritage but are not directly associated with the English legal heritage.
- Patrick Henry (C) was also an important figure in American history and known for his famous "Give me liberty or give me death" speech, but his writings are not directly associated with the English legal heritage.
- John Locke (A) is a renowned English philosopher whose writings, including the "Two Treatises of Government," greatly influenced the development of Western political thought and the concept of limited government.

3. Make the final assessment: Considering the options and the significance of their writings, John Locke's writings strongly align with the English legal heritage that limited government authority. His works, including the ideas of natural rights and the consent of the governed, were instrumental in shaping the Magna Carta and the principles of limited government.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. John Locke.