Suki has 54 rock songs 92 dance songs and 12 classical songs on her playlist . If suki's music player randomly selects a song from the playlist, what is the experimental probability that the song will not be classical


Can someone PLEASE HELP ME?I am really confused.

Suki's has 54 rock songs,92 dance songs,and 12 classical songs on her play list.If Suki's music player randomly selects a song from the playlist,what is the experimental probability that the song will not be a classical song?Explain your answer.

I need HELP on this question ⁉️😃🤔

To find the experimental probability that the song will not be classical, we need to determine the total number of songs on Suki's playlist that are not classical and divide it by the total number of songs on her playlist.

Let's start by calculating the total number of songs on Suki's playlist. We can add the number of rock songs, dance songs, and classical songs together: 54 rock songs + 92 dance songs + 12 classical songs = 158 songs.

Next, we need to determine the total number of songs on Suki's playlist that are not classical. Since we know that Suki has 158 songs in total and 12 of them are classical, we can subtract the number of classical songs from the total: 158 songs - 12 classical songs = 146 songs that are not classical.

Finally, we can calculate the experimental probability. The experimental probability of an event occurring is given by the number of favorable outcomes divided by the total number of possible outcomes. In this case, the favorable outcome is selecting a song that is not classical (146 songs) and the total number of possible outcomes is the total number of songs on Suki's playlist (158 songs).

So, the experimental probability that the song will not be classical is 146 songs (not classical) divided by 158 songs (total) = 0.924 (or 92.4%). Therefore, the experimental probability that the song will not be classical is approximately 92.4%.

There are 54+92+12=158 total songs

Of those, 54+92 = 146 are not classical.

So, now what do you think?