what are food for birds,fish,lizards, and many other animals.2.what are important insects are to other living things.

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To find answers to your questions, you can start by doing some research. Here's how you can find information on what food different animals eat and the importance of insects to other living things:

1. Food for birds, fish, lizards, and other animals:
- Begin by searching for specific animals you are interested in, such as "What do birds eat?" or "What do fish eat?"
- You will likely come across various sources, including articles, websites, and even scientific studies, that provide information on the specific dietary preferences of different animal species.
- Pay attention to reliable sources, such as respected wildlife conservation organizations, academic institutions, or expert-recommended websites.
- Take note of the different types of food that each animal consumes, including seeds, insects, fruits, vegetables, or other animals. Different species have diverse diets, so it's important to look for information about the specific animals you are interested in.

2. Importance of insects to other living things:
- Look for articles or websites that discuss the ecological significance of insects. You can use search terms like "Importance of insects in ecosystems" or "Role of insects in the environment."
- Explore scientific research papers or publications to gain a deeper understanding of the subject.
- Pay attention to the roles insects play, such as pollination, decomposition, pest control, nutrient cycling, and as a food source for other animals.
- Seek information from trusted resources like reputable scientific journals, educational websites, or environmental organizations to ensure accurate and reliable information.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather sufficient information about the food preferences of different animals and the importance of insects in the ecosystem. Make sure to critically evaluate and cross-reference the information obtained from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.