What is the simplified form of the expression?

A fraction with a numerator of 5(14 – 2) squared and a denominator of 2.


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No. Notice that it says that the numerator is squared.

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To find the simplified form of the given fraction, we need to simplify both the numerator and denominator separately.

Let's start with the numerator: 5(14 - 2) squared. First, we simplify the inner parentheses by subtracting 2 from 14, which gives us (5 * 12) squared. Then, we multiply 5 and 12, resulting in 60. Finally, we square 60, which is 3600. Therefore, the simplified numerator is 3600.

Next, let's simplify the denominator: 2. The denominator is already in its simplest form, so it remains as 2.

Now, we can write the simplified form of the fraction as 3600/2. Dividing 3600 by 2, we get the final simplified form:

3600/2 = 1800.

Therefore, the simplified form of the given expression is 1800.