Evaluate the following expressions using formula :

16a^2+24ab+9b^2,when a=4,b=3

16(4^2) + 24*4*3 + 9(3^2) = ?

You should be able to square the numbers and do the rest of the math.

To evaluate the expression 16a^2 + 24ab + 9b^2 when a = 4 and b = 3, we can substitute the values of a and b into the expression and simplify.

First, let's substitute a = 4 and b = 3 into the expression:
16(4)^2 + 24(4)(3) + 9(3)^2

Next, simplify each term:
16(16) + 24(4)(3) + 9(9)

Now calculate each term individually:
256 + 288 + 81

Finally, add the calculated values together:
256 + 288 + 81 = 625

Therefore, when a = 4 and b = 3, the expression 16a^2 + 24ab + 9b^2 evaluates to 625.