Stephanie runs 5 days a week. Her distances for 5 days are 2.8 miles, 3.3 miles, 3.9 miles, 4.3 miles, and 4.9 miles. Which is the best estimate for the number of miles she ran?

19 miles
21 miles
23 miles
25 miles

that's not very nice ms. sue

I did do the I was checking my answer

My answer I got is 19.2

the answer is 19

To find the best estimate for the number of miles Stephanie ran, we need to add up her distances for the 5 days.

Stephanie ran 2.8 + 3.3 + 3.9 + 4.3 + 4.9 miles.

To calculate this, add up the numbers:
2.8 + 3.3 + 3.9 + 4.3 + 4.9 = 19.2 miles.

Therefore, the best estimate for the number of miles Stephanie ran is 19 miles.

So the correct answer is A) 19 miles.

OK!! since ppl want to act like they dnt kno the answer its B i wouldnt lie to you css i dont got the time . bye.

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ok, this been a few years. now spill it out h03, whats the answer??

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