City Highest Lowest

Elevetion(ft) elevation(ft)
Long Beach,Ca. 360 -7
New Orleans,Ca. 25 -8

1. The table shows the highest and lowest elevetions for two cities.

A. Find the range of elevetions for Long Beach.

B. Find the range of elevations for New Orleans.

C. One of the cities has an average elevation of about 2 feet below sea level. Which city is it?

a. Long Beach,CA:367ft

b. New Orleans,LA:33ft
c. New Orleans,LA

New Orleans, CA?? The only New Orleans I know is in Louisiana.

A. 360 - 7 = 367

I'll be glad to check your answers for B and C.

B. 33

C. Long beach, ca.

Please check my answer.. Thanks

B is right. C is not.

Thank you so much Ms. Sue😊

You're welcome, Mike.


I CANT TAKE THIS ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????!!!!!!!!!!?!?!??!?!??!!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!!????!!!???!!???!!??!!??!!??!!??!!???!!????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why C is incorrect?

A. To find the range of elevations for Long Beach, we need to subtract the lowest elevation from the highest elevation.

Range of elevations for Long Beach = Highest elevation - Lowest elevation

Range of elevations for Long Beach = 360 ft - (-7 ft)

Range of elevations for Long Beach = 360 ft + 7 ft

Range of elevations for Long Beach = 367 ft

B. To find the range of elevations for New Orleans, we use the same formula as above.

Range of elevations for New Orleans = Highest elevation - Lowest elevation

Range of elevations for New Orleans = 25 ft - (-8 ft)

Range of elevations for New Orleans = 25 ft + 8 ft

Range of elevations for New Orleans = 33 ft

C. To identify which city has an average elevation of about 2 feet below sea level, we can compare the average elevation of the two cities with sea level (0 ft).

Long Beach's average elevation = (Highest elevation + Lowest elevation) / 2

Long Beach's average elevation = (360 ft + (-7 ft)) / 2

Long Beach's average elevation = 353 ft / 2

Long Beach's average elevation = 176.5 ft

New Orleans's average elevation = (Highest elevation + Lowest elevation) / 2

New Orleans's average elevation = (25 ft + (-8 ft)) / 2

New Orleans's average elevation = 17 ft / 2

New Orleans's average elevation = 8.5 ft

Comparing the average elevations with sea level:
- Long Beach's average elevation is 176.5 ft, which is above sea level.
- New Orleans's average elevation is 8.5 ft, which is below sea level.

Therefore, New Orleans is the city with an average elevation of about 2 feet below sea level.