Which sum will be irrational? (1 point)

3 + 2
start root 19 end root plus start fraction 7 over 2 end fraction
Start Fraction 18 over 3 End Fraction plus Start Fraction 11 over ten thousand End Fraction.
–6 + (–3.251)

Which product will be rational? (1 point)
17 point Modifying Above 12 with bar times 33
start root 3 end root times start root 9 end root
4 times pi
negative start root 20 end root times 15

A whole number is added to a number with two digits after the decimal point. To make sure the answer is reasonable, how many digits should the sum have after the decimal point?
infinitely many
am i right

can anyone help me


10.A and B

sure, just a second, I'm thinking.......


a 3 + 2

b start root 19 end root plus start fraction 7 over 2 end fraction

c Start Fraction 18 over 3 End Fraction plus Start Fraction 11 over ten thousand End Fraction.
d –6 + (–3.251)

ima get to the others one min


A 17 point Modifying Above 12 with bar times 33

B start root 3 end root times start root 9 end root

C 4 times pi

D negative start root 20 end root times 15

1. –9x – 5 = –95 (1 point)

2. Start Fraction w over 4 End Fraction – 4 = 3 (1 point)
3. start fraction x over 5 end fraction + 6 = 10 (1 point)
4. 3(4 – 2x) = –2x (1 point)
5. 5.4 + 0.2x = –1.4x + 8.6 (1 point)
Simplify the expression.
6. –9 – 6(w + 5) (1 point)
–15w + 5
–15w + 30
–6w – 39
–6w + 21
Simplify the expression.
7. 2x + 3(x – 2) – 3(x – 6) (1 point)
2x + 12
2x – 8
8x – 24
2x – 24
Solve the inequality.
8. p + 4 < –24 (1 point)
p < –20
p < 28
p < –28
p < 20
Solve the inequality.
9. start fraction p over 8 end fraction ≥ –5 (1 point)
p ≥ 40
p ≥ 40
p ≥ –13
p ≥ –40
Solve the inequality.
10. –8x > –64 (1 point)
x < 8
x > 8
x < –72
x > 72
11. Which inequality matches the graph?
A ray is graphed on a number line. The ray points left and has a solid endpoint at 1.

(1 point)
5x + 6 > 11
5x + 6 ≥ 11
5x + 6 < 11
5x + 6 ≤ 11
12. Which inequality matches the graph?
A ray is graphed on a number line. The ray points right and has an open circle endpoint at 2.

(1 point)
6w + 6 > 18
6w + 6 ≥ 18
6w – 6 > 18
–6w + 6 > 14
Write and solve an equation.
13. The total was $29.00 after adding a $4.00 tip to the bill for a family of five, each of whom ordered a hot dog. What was the price of a hot dog? (1 point)
4 – 5x = 29; $5.00
4 + 5x = 29; $5.00
29 – 5x = 4; $5.00
5x = 29 = 4; $5.00
Write and solve an equation.
14. Mark weighs 74 pounds. Together, he and his sister weigh six pounds more than three times the weight of his sister. What is the weight, w, of Mark’s sister? (1 point)
74 + w = 3w; 37 lb
74 + w – 6 = 3w; 18.5 lb
74 + w = 3w + 6; 34 lb
74 + w = 3w – 6; 40 lb
15. Labrina received a $50 gift card to an online store. She wants to purchase some bracelets that cost $8 each. There will be a $10 overnight shipping fee. How many bracelets can she buy? (1 point)
4 bracelets
5 bracelets
6 bracelets
7 bracelets
Write and solve an inequality.
16. Bobby hopes that he will someday be more than 70 inches tall. He is currently 61 inches tall. How many more inches, x, does Bobby need to grow to reach his desired height? (1 point)
x + 61 > 70; x > 9
x + 61 ≥ 70; x ≥ 9
x + 61 < 70; x < 9
x + 61 ≤ 71; x ≤ 9
Write and solve an inequality.
17. Jason is driving from Lakeview to Dodge City, a distance of more than 200 miles. After driving 60 miles, Jason stops for gas. How many more miles, x, does Jason have to drive to reach Dodge City? (1 point)
x + 60 < 200; x < 140
x + 60 ≤ 200; x ≤ 140
x + 60 > 200; x > 140
x + 60 ≥ 200; x ≥ 140
Write and solve an inequality.
18. April is training for a marathon by running no less than 55 km per week. She runs at an average rate of 10 km per hour. What is the minimum number of hours, h, she should run? (1 point)
10h ≥ 55; h ≥ 5.5; 5.5 hours
10h ≤ 55; h ≤ 5.5; 5.5 hours
Start Fraction lower h over 10 End Fraction > 55; h > 5.5; 5.5 hours
Start Fraction lower h over 10 End Fraction < 55; h < 5.5; 5.5 hours
- Can i pls have help i dont understand.

To determine which sum will be irrational and which product will be rational, we need to understand the definitions of irrational and rational numbers.

An irrational number is any real number that cannot be expressed as a fraction or ratio of two integers. It is a non-repeating and non-terminating decimal. Examples of irrational numbers include √2, π, and e.

A rational number is any real number that can be expressed as a fraction or ratio of two integers. It is a repeating or terminating decimal. Examples of rational numbers include 0.5, 2.75, and -3/4.

Now let's analyze each option:

1. 3 + 2 = 5
This sum is a rational number because it can be expressed as the fraction 5/1.

2. √19 + 7/2
To determine if this sum is rational or irrational, we need to simplify it. √19 is an irrational number, so adding it to a rational number (7/2) will result in an irrational number.

3. 18/3 + 11/10,000
This sum is a rational number because both fractions can be simplified to integers, resulting in a fraction that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers.

4. -6 + (-3.251) = -9.251
This sum is a rational number because it can be expressed as a fraction -9251/1000.

Therefore, the irrational sum is √19 + 7/2.

Moving on to the products:

1. 17.12̅ × 33
This product is a rational number because it can be expressed as the fraction 565.12̅/33.

2. √3 × √9 = 3
This product is a rational number because it can be expressed as the fraction 3/1.

3. 4 × π
This product is an irrational number because it involves multiplying a rational number (4) with an irrational number (π).

4. -√20 × 15
This product is a rational number because it can be simplified to -15√20, which is a rational number.

Therefore, the rational product is √3 × √9.

Lastly, when adding a whole number to a number with two digits after the decimal point, the number of digits after the decimal point in the sum will be 2. This is because when adding or subtracting decimals, the number of digits after the decimal point is determined by the number with the most digits after the decimal point in the problem. In this case, the number with two digits after the decimal point determines the number of digits in the sum.

So, for the question "A whole number is added to a number with two digits after the decimal point. To make sure the answer is reasonable, how many digits should the sum have after the decimal point?", the correct answer is 2 (option 3).

Anonymous, please recopy your questions and separate answer choices. I can't discern one answer choice from the other.

k will soon srry thankjs though