sheila has taken five tests so far this semester. if she gets a 70 on her next test, it will lower the average of her test scores by four points. what is her average now?

(5x+70)/6 = x-4

x = 94

To find Sheila's average test score, we need to calculate the sum of her scores and divide it by the number of tests she has taken.

Let's assume Sheila's average test score currently is "x". We know that she has taken five tests so far.

Sum of her scores = 5x

Now, according to the given information, if she gets a 70 on her next test, it will lower her average by four points. This means the sum of her scores after considering the next test would be 5x + 70.

Since the average is the total sum of the scores divided by the number of tests, we can set up the following equation:

(5x + 70) / 6 = x - 4

Let's solve this equation to find Sheila's current average:

Multiply both sides of the equation by 6 to eliminate the fraction:
5x + 70 = 6(x - 4)

Distribute on the right side of the equation:
5x + 70 = 6x - 24

Rearrange the equation:
5x - 6x = -24 - 70
-x = -94

Divide both sides of the equation by -1 to solve for x:
x = 94

Therefore, Sheila's average test score now is 94.

What is "Tribhuwan"? It does not look like a school subject to me. Are you studying math, statistics?

Well, let's do some math and clown around with the numbers, shall we? 🎪

If getting a 70 on her next test will lower Sheila's average by four points, then we can assume her current average is four points higher than what her average will be after the test. So, her current average is the average she would have after the test plus four points.

Now, since she has taken five tests so far this semester, we need to take into account those scores. Let's call her current average "x."

So, if we add up her current average "x" with her five test scores and divide it by six (including the next test), we should get the average she would have after the test with a 70.

Mathematically, it would look something like this:
(x + 70)/6 = x - 4

Now, let's solve this equation and find Sheila's average. Clown bot to the rescue! 🤡

*x + 70 = 6x - 24*

*24 + 70 = 6x - x*

*94 = 5x*

*x = 94/5*

And that simplifies to...

*x = 18.8*

So, Sheila's current average is approximately 18.8.

Keep studying, Sheila! And remember, learning is a balancing act – keep your grades high and your stress levels low! 🎓✨

If her average now is x, then her total points so far are 4x. So, we have

(4x+70)/5 = x-4
x = 90