Pizza costs $1.50 per slice. Use a table and an equation to represent the relationship between the number of slices of pizza bought and the total cost.

Price # of pizzas

1.50 1
3.00 2
4.50 3
6.00 4

each pizza costs 1.50 so you add on 1.50 to each slice of pizza you buy

To represent the relationship between the number of slices of pizza bought and the total cost using a table, we can create a table with two columns: one for the number of slices and one for the total cost.

Number of Slices | Total Cost
1 | $1.50
2 | $3.00
3 | $4.50
4 | $6.00

To represent the relationship using an equation, we can let "x" represent the number of slices and "y" represent the total cost. Since each slice costs $1.50, the equation would be:

y = 1.50x

In this equation, "y" represents the total cost and "x" represents the number of slices.

To represent the relationship between the number of slices of pizza bought and the total cost, we can create a table and an equation.

The first column in the table will represent the number of slices of pizza bought, and the second column will represent the total cost.

| Number of Slices | Total Cost |
| 1 | $1.50 |
| 2 | $3.00 |
| 3 | $4.50 |
| 4 | $6.00 |
| ... | ... |

Let's use "x" to represent the number of slices of pizza bought and "y" to represent the total cost. The equation will be in the form of y = mx, where "m" is the cost per slice.

In this case, the cost per slice is $1.50 (m = 1.50). So, the equation will be:
y = 1.50x

This equation represents that the total cost (y) is equal to $1.50 multiplied by the number of slices of pizza bought (x).

For example, if you wanted to find the total cost of buying 5 slices of pizza, you can substitute x = 5 into the equation:
y = 1.50 * 5 = $7.50

Therefore, buying 5 slices of pizza would cost $7.50.