Without doing the computation explain why or why not19.7 is a reasonable value for the expression 122.14÷6.2.

120 divided by 6 = 20

19.7 is a reasonable answer.

To determine whether 19.7 is a reasonable value for the expression 122.14 ÷ 6.2 without actually computing the division, we can analyze the given numbers.

First, consider the dividend, which is 122.14. Notice that this number is larger than 100 but smaller than 200. It is closer to 100 than to 200, suggesting that the answer to the division will likely be closer to 10 than to 20.

Next, consider the divisor, which is 6.2. This number is slightly bigger than 6 and slightly less than 7. It is closer to 6 than to 7, indicating that the result of the division will likely be slightly larger than 10.

Considering the estimates above, we can infer that the quotient, which is the result of the division, will be slightly larger than 10 but smaller than 20. Therefore, 19.7 seems to be a reasonable estimate for the expression 122.14 ÷ 6.2, without performing the actual computation.