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A man stands next to the cape hatteras Lighthouse in North Carolina. The lighthouse and the man are perpendicular to the ground. The suns rays strike the lighthouse and the man at the same angle forming two similar triangles. If the man is 5.8 ft tall and casts a shadow of 2.5 ft, and the lighthouse casts a shadow that is 83.2 ft, use indirect measurement to approximate the height of the lighthouse

h/83.2 = 5.8/2.5

To approximate the height of the lighthouse using indirect measurement, we can set up a proportion with the corresponding sides of the two similar triangles formed by the man and the lighthouse.

Let's assign variables to represent the height of the lighthouse and the length of the shadow it casts. Let h be the height of the lighthouse, and let s be the length of the shadow.

Based on the information given, we have the following proportions:

(man's height) / (man's shadow length) = (lighthouse height) / (lighthouse shadow length)

Or, mathematically:

5.8 ft / 2.5 ft = h / 83.2 ft

Now, we can solve for h by cross-multiplying and then dividing:

5.8 ft * 83.2 ft = 2.5 ft * h

482.56 ft² = 2.5 ft * h

h ≈ (482.56 ft²) / 2.5 ft

h ≈ 193.024 ft

Therefore, using indirect measurement, we can approximate the height of the lighthouse as approximately 193.024 feet.