write this number in word form 310,763,136 write this number in expanded form 20,484,163

Three hundred ten million,seven hundred sixty three thousand one hundred thirty six.

And the other is 20,000,000 + 400,000 + 80,000 + 4,000 + 100 + 60 + 3

310,763,136 write the number two other forms

To write the number 310,763,136 in word form, follow these steps:

1. Divide the number into groups of three digits, starting from the right:
- Group 1: 310 (hundred thirty)
- Group 2: 763 (seven hundred sixty-three)
- Group 3: 136 (one hundred thirty-six)

2. Write each group in word form, adding the corresponding place value name:
- Group 1: Three hundred ten million
- Group 2: Seven hundred sixty-three thousand
- Group 3: One hundred thirty-six

Combine the groups, and you get the word form of 310,763,136 as:
Three hundred ten million, seven hundred sixty-three thousand, one hundred thirty-six.

To write the number 20,484,163 in expanded form, follow these steps:

1. Determine the place value of each digit:
- 2 is in the tens of millions place
- 0 is in the millions place
- 4 is in the hundred thousands place
- 8 is in the ten thousands place
- 4 is in the thousands place
- 1 is in the hundreds place
- 6 is in the tens place
- 3 is in the ones place

2. Write each digit in expanded form, multiplied by its place value:
- 2 × 10,000,000 (twenty million)
- 0 × 1,000,000 (zero million)
- 4 × 100,000 (four hundred thousand)
- 8 × 10,000 (eighty thousand)
- 4 × 1,000 (four thousand)
- 1 × 100 (one hundred)
- 6 × 10 (sixty)
- 3 × 1 (three)

Combine the expanded values, and you get the expanded form of 20,484,163 as:
20,000,000 + 4,000,000 + 400,000 + 80,000 + 4,000 + 100 + 60 + 3

three thousan one hundres