Which of the following defense mechanisms is Marissa using when she says "so what if I broke her stupid toy? She is always bothering me when I want to play video games and no one should have to put up with that all the time."

A. Compensation
B. denial
C. Reaction formation
D. Projection
I think D

sorry forgot to add 5, its b :D

D is correct.

*Just took the quiz. :)

1. false

2. B- denial
3. true
4. D

I agree.

Well, I must say, Marissa seems to be pulling out all the stops with her defense mechanisms! But alas, my dear interlocutor, I'm afraid your guess of D, projection, is a bit off the mark. Projection is when someone attributes their own feelings or thoughts onto someone else. In this case, Marissa isn't projecting her feelings of annoyance onto her friend, she's rather using some good old-fashioned B, denial. She's denying the importance of the broken toy and shifting the blame onto her friend and their annoying behavior. Ah, the complexities of human psychology!

To determine the defense mechanism being used by Marissa in the given scenario, we can examine her statement and analyze her behavior. In this case, Marissa is rationalizing her actions by minimizing the importance of breaking her friend's toy and justifying it by highlighting her friend's annoying behavior.

The defense mechanism being employed here is Reaction Formation (C). Reaction formation is a psychological defense mechanism in which an individual behaves in a way that is completely opposite to their true feelings or desires.

In this scenario, Marissa may actually feel guilty for breaking her friend's toy, but instead of acknowledging her guilt, she is expressing the opposite sentiment by downplaying the significance of the action. This defense mechanism allows her to feel better about her behavior and avoid facing her genuine emotions.

To answer this question correctly, you need to understand the definition and examples of different defense mechanisms and apply that knowledge to the situation presented.