A pool must be 25 meters long and 3 meters deep and the room is only 10 meters wide can u still build a pool that will hold 800 cubic meters of water and why

25 * 10 * 3 = 750 cubic meters

To determine if it is possible to build a pool with the given dimensions that can hold 800 cubic meters of water, we need to calculate the volume of the pool and compare it to the required volume.

The volume of a rectangular-shaped pool can be calculated using the formula:
Volume = Length x Width x Depth

Given information:
Length = 25 meters
Depth = 3 meters
Width = 10 meters

Calculating the volume of the pool:
Volume = 25 meters x 10 meters x 3 meters = 750 cubic meters

The calculated volume of the pool is 750 cubic meters, which is less than the required 800 cubic meters. Therefore, it is not possible to build a pool with the given dimensions that can hold 800 cubic meters of water.

If you wish to build a pool that holds 800 cubic meters of water, you would need to consider altering the dimensions, such as increasing the length, width, or depth of the pool. Alternatively, you could also consider constructing a different shape or design that can accommodate the desired volume.