Translate the proposition below into explicit conditional. Identify Given and Conclusion.

Humans are mammals.


I think that the given part is "If human are mammals," and the conclusion part is "then mammals are humans." An example of what I mean is:

I think, therefore I am.
Given: IF I think,
Conclusion: THEN I am.

got the title and name of my question confused. whoops!

To translate the proposition "Humans are mammals" into an explicit conditional statement, we can rephrase it as follows:

Given: If something is a human,
Conclusion: Then it is a mammal.

Now let's break down the given and conclusion parts:

Given: If something is a human - This part of the statement sets the condition or criterion for what we are discussing. It states that the subject being referred to must be a human.

Conclusion: Then it is a mammal - This part states the logical consequence of the given condition. It asserts that if something meets the criteria of being a human, then it must also be classified as a mammal.

To summarize, the given part establishes the condition that must be met (being a human), while the conclusion part explains the logical consequence (being classified as a mammal) based on that condition.