Before I introduce my assignment and what I need to do, I tried my best copying off from the instructions given and it's long, obviously. (and I may have some errors but please excuse those) I have another page of directions, but it will be short. Oh and we need to do this assignment in PEN !!

Okay, so this assignment is due tomorrow and I have to do a minimum of 12 cards. For this assignment I have to take notes on index cards for my history day project and my topic is Hawai`i's Chinatown Encounters Plague. I think I can do this without your help but, I want you tutors to check my work on these cards, and I will be posting the notes on the cards in the answers sections. Also I most probably ask you on what to include for the notes because I don't know what are important and I overthink on what to include thus making it longer for me to complete a card or finishing a task asking me to summarize or include something important. I also need help on answering the questions (that you will soon know what i'm talking about when you read the instructions)

To prepare to take notes, assign a letter (such as "A") to each source by writing the letter in the margin on the source. If you have a borrowed book (I have one), write the letter on a sticky note. Have your blank index cards or software program ready. As you read source materials listed in your working bibliography, take notes on individual ideas and write single sentences which relate to your topic. Take notes to answer the following questions:

How did the events and atmosphere (social, economic, political, and cultural aspects) of my topic's time period influence my topic in history? Which events/persons/organizations/environments/governments/ etc. helped or hindered my topic's actions or legacies? What was their motivation? How did my topic react to this influence?
How did my topic develop over time? What happened to build up to my topic's importance or significant actions? Step by step, what are my topic's important or significant actions? What happened, locally and around the world, after my topic's important or significant actions?
How was my topic significant in history in relation to the national history day theme of "Exploration, Encounter, and Exchange in History"? Which groups, regions, or entities were affected by my topic's actions or legacies? How, exactly, were they affected by my topic's actions or legacies?
How is my topic important? How did my topic influence history? How was state or regional history changed by my topic's actions?

Place this information on note cards using the following guidelines. The numbers below correspond to the numbers on the sample. You do NOT have to put these numbers on your cards.

1. Place a descriptive heading of 1-5 words at the top of each card; the heading should summarize the main idea of the note.
2. List bibliography card identification letter and page number(s) i.e. [A24]. If the source is from the web (which I have some), use paragraph number i.e. [Ap. 3].
3. Place ONE main idea/quotation on a card.
4. Leave the bottom line open for categorizing information
5. Indicate where (introduction, body, conclusion) you will use the information.
In addition: Use index cards of the same size
Write your initials and period on the back of every card!
Use abbreviations and phrases
Place all quotes (written word for word) in quotation marks.
Use [brackets] when adding or changing words within a direct quote.

Sample Note taking; Summarizing, Paraphrasing, & Quoting

1. Place Date Number in march (I don't get the example? Is this what I’m supposed to include for my heading ? The place, date, number in march??)
2. A24 (So, I'm guessing this is source A and page # 24 ?)
3. In Washington Dc--On Aug.28 1963, more that 250,000 people--including 75,000 whites--protested the denial of basic civil rights for African-Americans. (Quick question, are the -- indicate to cut out some information ?)
4. Social
5. Body

3 Ways to Take Notes
Summarize (in your own words) as you take notes unless there is good reason to retrace the thinking of a source. When you summarize, you narrow or reduce what you have read to few important points.

Paraphrasing is restating in your own words what you have read. It is a helpful note-taking technique when you are trying to retrace the thinking of one of your sources directly.

Direct Quote:
Use a source's exact words when it includes essential information, when the source's language is unique or distinctive, and/or when the source is considered an expert on the subject. Put this information in quotation marks.

Do NOT EVER number your notes in order of creation or number your notes in order from a source! This practice is not useful to you!
I'm slightly confused about this ... I will ask anything about this.

2nd Page

History Day (HD) Research Paper Preparation: Notecard Guide

For ENCOUNTER: An encounter takes place between at least two or more parties of people, groups, objects, or nations. The encounter usually is the first time one or the other party has ever met so there are some unexpected and expected outcomes.
1. You need to describe what the two parties of people, groups, objects, or nations were like BEFORE the encounter. (at least 6-20 notes)
2. You need to describe in specific detail with dates numbers, places and names how the two parties encountered each other. (at least 20-30 notes)
3. You need to explain why the two parties encountered each other. (at least 4-6 notes)
4. You need to analyze and explain what were the short- and long-term effects of the encounter. (at least 10-20 notes)

40 notes (minimum) to 76 notes (maximum)

Okay, so on Friday, when we were starting on the cards, we had to do 2 cards by the end of the class, which I guess I only half complete one, but counts as one (?) and has the same letters, BB, so I'm guessing that they come from the same source ? In my case, the book, PLAGUE AND FIRE BATTLING BLACK DEATH AND THE 1900 BURNING OF HONOLULU'S CHINATOWN.

Okay, here is my card (incomplete):
1. Board of Health (my heading, my teacher helped me with it or checked on it)
2. BBp2 (meaning BB, actually I don't get this still, what is BB supposed to mean ?
My teacher just said to write BB, but I didn't ask because it would be rude to interrupt her from speaking the directions and instructions so I kept my mouth shut. p2 means second page. I'm guessing p is not needed and that I should cross it off, but my teacher didn't comment on that)
3. The Board of Health imposed a military quarantine around the Chinatown district of Honolulu (where the bubonic plague appeared initially and had spent hundred of thousand of dollars mostly on cleaning up inside the quarantined zone.
4. Blank (categorizing information, yeah I don't understand that, can you tutors please help me on that ? I'm thinking of putting this information in finances, money, or health ??? )
5. Body (If you disagree, please explain, I will listen and probably understand)

I will make some more work and I need to stop typing now, because I need to start on the other cards !!!!!!

Sure, let me help you with your assignment.

Based on the instructions you provided, here are some explanations and clarifications:

1. The "Place Date Number in march" in the sample note is not necessary for your heading. The heading should just summarize the main idea of the note. For example, "Board of Health" is a suitable heading for your note card.

2. The "A24" in the sample note represents the source identification letter (in this case, "A" for source A) and the page number (24) where you found the information. Similarly, your "BBp2" means source BB and page 2. The "BB" likely stands for the source's identification letter, which you should have assigned to your source, such as a book or website. Just make sure to consistently use the same letter for the same source.

3. The "--" in the sample note is used to indicate that some information has been omitted. If you are quoting directly, make sure to include the entire sentence or phrase in quotation marks. If you are summarizing or paraphrasing, you can leave out irrelevant or unnecessary details.

4. Leaving the bottom line open for categorizing information means that you can choose to assign categories to your notes to help you organize the information later. In the case of your note card, you can decide which category (such as finances, money, or health) best represents the content of your note.

5. The "Body" label indicates where you plan to use the information in your project, whether it's in the introduction, body, or conclusion. This helps you keep track of where each note will be most relevant.

Now, let's move on to the second page of instructions:

1. The first step is to describe what the two parties, people, groups, objects, or nations were like BEFORE the encounter. You need to take at least 6-20 notes for this.

2. Next, you need to describe in detail how the two parties encountered each other. Include specific dates, numbers, places, and names. Aim for at least 20-30 notes for this.

3. Then, explain why the two parties encountered each other. Take notes on the motivations or reasons behind the encounter. Aim for at least 4-6 notes.

4. Finally, analyze and explain the short- and long-term effects of the encounter. Take notes on these effects, considering both immediate and lasting impacts. Aim for at least 10-20 notes.

Remember that you need a minimum of 40 notes, but you can have up to 76 notes.

As for the incomplete card you shared:

1. "Board of Health" is an appropriate heading.
2. "BBp2" means source BB, page 2.
3. The sentence you wrote is a paraphrase of the information from your source. Just make sure you rephrase it in your own words. If you want to include a direct quote, remember to use quotation marks.
4. For categorizing information, you can choose a category that best fits the content of your note, such as "quarantine measures" or "public health response."
5. "Body" is a suitable label for where you plan to use the information in your project.

Remember to write your initials and period on the back of each card as instructed.

I hope this explanation helps you with your assignment. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Good luck with your note cards!