Find the coordinates of the midpoint of each segment.


If GI is a straight line, and the numbers are locations along an "x" axis that defines the line, then the length is 6 and the midpoint is at -2.

I don't know what you mean by "each segment". You only provided data on one line. If you want the midpoints of the bisected line, they are at x = -3.5 and -0.5.

they were on a line but i want to know whats the rule??

To find the coordinates of the midpoint of segment GI, we need to average the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of points G and I separately.

G = (-5, ?)
I = (1, ?)

First, let's find the y-coordinate of the midpoint:
y-coordinate of midpoint = (y-coordinate of G + y-coordinate of I) / 2 = (?, ?)

Since we don't have the y-coordinate values for points G and I, we need more information to calculate the midpoint accurately. If you provide the y-coordinate values for points G and I, I can help you find the coordinates of the midpoint for segment GI.