Ronnie misses the school bus 1 out of every 30 school days. He sets up the proportion 1/30=180/x to predict how many days he will miss the bus in the 180-day school year. What is Ronnies error?

To solve this problem, Ronnie sets up a proportion by equating the ratio of the days he misses the bus to the total number of school days, with the ratio of the days he will miss the bus in the 180-day school year to the unknown value x.

The proportion Ronnie sets up is:

1/30 = 180/x

To find Ronnie's error, we need to identify what mistake he made in setting up the proportion.

In this case, Ronnie incorrectly placed the terms in the proportion. The correct way to write the proportion would be:

x/180 = 1/30

Here, x represents the unknown number of days Ronnie will miss the bus in the 180-day school year.

Therefore, Ronnie's error is swapping the positions of the terms in the proportion.

It should be

1/30 = x/180

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