if about 32,680 kilobytes of memory is still available how many more pictures can they take



To determine how many more pictures can be taken given the available memory of 32,680 kilobytes, we need to know the size of each picture. The size of a picture can vary depending on factors such as resolution, compression, and file format.

If you know the average size of each picture taken so far, you can divide the available memory by the average picture size to get an estimate of how many more pictures can be taken. The formula would be:
Number of pictures = Available memory (in kilobytes) / Average picture size (in kilobytes)

Alternatively, if you have the individual size of each picture that has already been taken, you can sum up the sizes of those pictures. Then, subtract the total size from the available memory to find how much memory is left. You can then divide this remaining memory by the average size of future pictures to calculate the number of additional pictures that can be taken.

Remember to convert the sizes of pictures to kilobytes, as the available memory is given in kilobytes as well.

It's important to note that the above calculations are based on assumptions and averaging, as actual picture sizes can vary. Additionally, if the device's operating system or other apps use some memory, that should also be taken into account when calculating available memory.