an empty flask as a mass of 123.4 grams. When the flask is filled with water, the mass is 211.6 grams. If 10.0 grams of zinc (d=7.14 g/cm3) are added to the flask filled with water (and the sides of the flask are dried from the displaced water) what is the new mass of the flask?

calculate the volume of water displaced


now calulate the mass of water displaced


To find the new mass of the flask after adding zinc, we need to consider the mass of the flask, the mass of the water, and the mass of the added zinc.

Given information:
- Mass of empty flask = 123.4 grams
- Mass of flask filled with water = 211.6 grams
- Mass of zinc = 10.0 grams
- Density of zinc = 7.14 g/cm³

First, we need to determine the volume of the flask. Since the flask is initially empty, the volume of the flask can be calculated by finding the difference in mass when it's empty and filled with water.
Let's calculate the volume of the flask:

Volume of flask = Mass of flask filled with water - Mass of empty flask
Volume of flask = 211.6 grams - 123.4 grams
Volume of flask = 88.2 grams

Now, we can calculate the volume of the zinc added. The density of zinc is given as 7.14 g/cm³, so we can find the volume using the formula:

Volume of zinc = Mass of zinc / Density of zinc
Volume of zinc = 10.0 grams / 7.14 g/cm³
Volume of zinc ≈ 1.4 cm³

Since the flask is already filled with water, the volume of the flask remains the same when the zinc is added.

To find the new mass of the flask, we add the mass of the flask (123.4 grams), the mass of the water (which is equal to the volume of the flask since 1 cm³ = 1 mL and 1 gram = 1 mL for water), and the mass of the zinc (10.0 grams). Let's calculate:

New mass of flask = Mass of flask + Mass of water + Mass of zinc
New mass of flask = 123.4 grams + 88.2 grams + 10.0 grams
New mass of flask = 221.6 grams

Therefore, the new mass of the flask after adding zinc is 221.6 grams.

To find the new mass of the flask after adding zinc, we need to calculate the mass of zinc first and then add it to the mass of the flask filled with water.

1. Start by finding the mass of zinc:
- The volume of the zinc can be found using its density and the mass of zinc (10.0 grams) using the formula:
Volume = Mass / Density
Volume = 10.0 g / 7.14 g/cm³ ≈ 1.40 cm³
- Since the density is given in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³), the volume will be in cubic centimeters (cm³).

2. Now, calculate the new mass of the flask:
- The previous mass of the flask filled with water was 211.6 grams.
- Add the mass of the zinc to the mass of the flask filled with water:
New Mass = Mass of Flask + Mass of Zinc
New Mass = 211.6 g + 10.0 g ≈ 221.6 grams

Therefore, the new mass of the flask after adding zinc is approximately 221.6 grams.