4. Which of the following statements about human-power search engines is true?

A. People code the search engine so that they'll populate lists of trending search terms and phrases.
B. Links are selected by users.
C. Users send in their search request and then the search engine librarians find materials for them.
D. The selection process is unregulated, so the results are thought to be of lower quality.

How does your text define this phrase?

human-power search engines

To determine which of the statements about human-power search engines is true, let's examine each option:

A. People code the search engine so that they'll populate lists of trending search terms and phrases.
This statement suggests that individuals behind the search engine manually populate lists of popular search terms and phrases. While this approach may be used by some search engines, it is not necessarily a defining characteristic of human-powered search engines.

B. Links are selected by users.
This statement implies that users play a role in selecting the links that appear in search results. Human-powered search engines, such as collaborative search engines or social bookmarking websites, do rely on user participation to determine the relevance and popularity of links. Therefore, this statement could be true for certain types of human-powered search engines.

C. Users send in their search request and then the search engine librarians find materials for them.
This statement suggests that users submit their search requests to human search engine librarians who locate relevant materials for the users. While this approach may have been used in the past, it is not a common practice with modern search engines. Most search engines, including human-powered ones, use algorithms to automatically retrieve and present search results.

D. The selection process is unregulated, so the results are thought to be of lower quality.
This statement suggests that the selection process for human-powered search engines is unregulated, leading to potentially lower-quality results. While it is true that human-powered search engines may not have the sophisticated algorithms and quality control mechanisms of major search engines like Google, it is not a guarantee that the results will be of lower quality. The quality of results can vary depending on the specific search engine and the user community that contributes to it.

Considering the options provided, the statement that appears to be true for certain human-powered search engines is:
B. Links are selected by users.