
3 - 2(4 - 7) ÷ 9

i don't know what ta dooooo after i subtract 4 and 7 which is -3 then multiply 2 which is -6 then i don't know what to do afterwards, i know pemdas so -6 divided by 9 cannot be so please help on that.

the integers from -3 to +3 can be used in the blanks below. which of these integers produces a positive, even integer for the expression ? show your work for those that do. i don't know what to do for the following questions

what's wrong with -6/9? It's just a fraction. Deal with it

3 - 2(4 - 7) ÷ 9
3 - 2(-3) ÷ 9
3 - (-6)÷9
3 - (-2/3)
3 + 2/3

oh shoot i wasn't thinking of that even if it said simplify, tank you very much steve

To simplify the expression 3 - 2(4 - 7) ÷ 9, you can follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS):

1. Begin by simplifying the expression inside the parentheses: 4 - 7 = -3.
So, the expression becomes 3 - 2(-3) ÷ 9.

2. Next, distribute the 2 to the terms inside the parentheses: 3 - (2 * -3) ÷ 9.
Multiplying -3 by 2, we have: 3 - (-6) ÷ 9.

3. Moving on to the division operation, -6 ÷ 9, remember that division takes precedence over subtraction.
The division yields a decimal: 3 - (-0.6667).

4. Finally, subtract the decimal: 3 + 0.6667 = 3.6667 (rounded to four decimal places).

So, the simplified form of the expression 3 - 2(4 - 7) ÷ 9 is approximately 3.6667.

Now, for the second part of your question, to find the integers that produce a positive, even result for the expression, you can substitute the integers from -3 to +3 into the expression one at a time and see which give a positive, even output:

For example:
-3 yields: 3 - 2(-3) ÷ 9 = 3 + 0.6667 = 3.6667 (which is neither positive nor even).
-2 yields: 3 - 2(-2) ÷ 9 = 3 + 0.4444 = 3.4444 (which is neither positive nor even).
-1 yields: 3 - 2(-1) ÷ 9 = 3 + 0.2222 = 3.2222 (which is neither positive nor even).

Continuing this process, you can substitute the remaining integers and determine which ones produce a positive, even output for the expression. Remember, an even number ends with 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.