Research on motivation and culture would suggest that Susan, an American child, would be more motivated to perform while engaging in which of the following tasks?

A. A puzzle that her teacher asked her to do
B. Reading a book that her mother picked out for her
C. A board game that her friend picked out
D. A puzzle that she picked out on her own

How old is Susan?

Would these tasks be performed at school, at home, or where?

Does she live in a city, in a suburb, on a farm, or what?

Based on your reading on motivation and culture, what do YOU think, psych911?

Based on research on motivation and culture, Susan, an American child, would be more motivated to perform while engaging in a task she picked out on her own (option D). Research suggests that individuals are generally more motivated and have a greater sense of autonomy when they have the freedom to choose the activities they engage in. In this case, Susan's motivation and enjoyment would likely be higher when she has control over selecting her own task, such as a puzzle she picked out on her own.

To determine which task Susan, an American child, would be more motivated to perform, we can look at research on motivation and culture. One aspect to consider is the importance of autonomy and personal choice in American culture.

According to research, individuals tend to be more motivated when they have autonomy and control over their actions. They are more likely to be engaged and invested in tasks that they have personally chosen. This suggests that Susan would likely be more motivated to perform a task that she picked out on her own.

Therefore, the correct answer would be D. A puzzle that she picked out on her own.