integration of curriculum areas can be pictured in a weblike structure in which mathematics is always at tech center and science and other subjects are attached by radials

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To picture the integration of curriculum areas in a web-like structure, with mathematics at the center and other subjects attached by radials, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a circle in the center of your diagram, representing mathematics.

2. Identify the other subjects or curriculum areas that you want to integrate with mathematics. For example, let's consider the subject of science.

3. Draw another circle for science, adjacent to the mathematics circle.

4. Now, draw a line connecting the mathematics circle to the science circle, representing the connection between the two subjects.

5. Repeat this process for other subjects or curriculum areas that you want to integrate.

6. Connect each additional subject circle to the mathematics circle with lines, forming radials or spokes.

7. You can continue to add circles for other subjects, connecting them to the mathematics circle, effectively creating a web-like structure.

8. As a result, each subject is visually connected to mathematics, forming a network of integration.

Remember, the placement and orientation of the circles and lines are open to interpretation based on your specific objectives and the desired connections between subjects. This web-like structure visually represents the integration of mathematics with other subjects in the curriculum and highlights the central role that mathematics plays in the overall learning experience.