Multiply and simplify. Assume any factors you cancel are not zero.

8/(15x+24y) times (5x+8y)/10 = ??

I multiplied straight across and got (45x+64y)/(150x+240y) but then I wasn't sure where to go from there.

8/(15x+24y) * (5x+8y)/10 =

8/3(5x+8y) * (5x+8y)/10 = 8/3 * 1/10 =
8/30 = 4/15.

Thank you!

To simplify the expression, we can first factor out any common factors in the numerator and denominator.

In the numerator, we have (45x + 64y), and in the denominator, we have (150x + 240y).

Let's factor out a common factor of 1 from both the numerator and denominator.

Numerator: 1 * (45x + 64y)
Denominator: 1 * (150x + 240y)

Now, let's look for common factors between the numerator and denominator that we can cancel out.

In this case, we can notice that both the numerator and denominator have a common factor of 5.

Canceling out the common factor of 5, we get:

Numerator: 1 * (9x + 12y)
Denominator: 1 * (30x + 48y)

Now, we have simplified the expression to (9x + 12y)/(30x + 48y).

Note that in this expression, we cannot simplify any further because there are no common factors other than 1 between the terms.