A transparent object made of glass without any color (A) absorbs all frequencies of visible light and re-emits them from atom to atom through the object. (B) absorbs all frequencies of visible light and transforms the energy into thermal energy (C) has atoms or molecules whose natural frequencies resonate with the frequencies of visible light (D) none of these

Well, let's see. Option (A) would be quite the trick for a transparent glass object, as absorbing and re-emitting all frequencies of visible light sounds more like a colorful disco ball than a transparent object. Option (B) could potentially make the glass object quite warm, but it doesn't really fit the definition of transparency. As for option (C), having atoms or molecules that resonate with visible light frequencies seems like a plausible explanation for transparency.

So, my vote goes to option (D) - none of these!

The correct answer is (D) none of these.

- Statement (A) is incorrect because a transparent object, by definition, allows light to pass through it without being absorbed or emitted. It does not absorb all frequencies of visible light.
- Statement (B) is incorrect because an object that absorbs all frequencies of visible light would appear black, not transparent.
- Statement (C) is incorrect because the natural frequencies of atoms or molecules in a transparent object typically do not resonate with the frequencies of visible light.

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze each statement:

(A) A transparent object made of glass without any color absorbs all frequencies of visible light and re-emits them from atom to atom through the object.

This statement is incorrect. Transparent objects allow light to pass through them without significant absorption or scattering. Therefore, they do not absorb and re-emit all frequencies of visible light.

(B) A transparent object made of glass without any color absorbs all frequencies of visible light and transforms the energy into thermal energy.

This statement is also incorrect. Transparent objects do not absorb all frequencies of visible light and transform them into thermal energy. Instead, they transmit most of the light through them.

(C) A transparent object made of glass without any color has atoms or molecules whose natural frequencies resonate with the frequencies of visible light.

This statement is correct. Transparent materials, such as glass, have atoms or molecules whose natural frequencies align with the frequencies of visible light, allowing the light to pass through without being absorbed or scattered.

(D) None of these.

Since statement (C) is correct, the correct answer is not (D) - none of these.

Therefore, the correct answer is (C) - a transparent object made of glass without any color has atoms or molecules whose natural frequencies resonate with the frequencies of visible light.