What is the importance of questioning in the SQ3R system?

1.) Questioning helps you read the material quickly.
2.) Questioning keeps your brian actively trying to find answers while you are reading.
3.) Questioning helps you identify questions that will be on the test.
4.) Questioning helps you survey the reading material.
Please help me if you can, thank you :)
What is the importance of the reciting step in the SQ3R system?
1.) reciting the answers to questions out loud helps you remember the answers to those questions.
2.) reciting the answers to questions out loud is the only way to study for a test.
3.) reciting the answers to questions eliminates the need to take notes.
4.) reciting teaches you to memorize the entire lesson, word for word.
Thank you :)


Read lots.

Okay thank you Writeacher :)

For QUESTION 1, the correct answer is 2.) Questioning keeps your brain actively trying to find answers while you are reading.

The SQ3R system is a study method that stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. Questioning is an essential step in the SQ3R system because it helps to engage your mind actively while reading. By formulating questions based on the material, you are more likely to pay attention and seek answers while reading. This active approach enhances comprehension and aids in retaining information. Additionally, questioning helps you to identify any gaps in your understanding and areas that require further clarification.

To answer QUESTION 1, you need to consider the purpose and benefits of each option listed. Option 1, "Questioning helps you read the material quickly," does not align with the actual purpose of questioning in the SQ3R system, which is to deepen comprehension and engagement, rather than speed reading. Option 3, "Questioning helps you identify questions that will be on the test," may be true in some cases, but it is not the primary goal of the SQ3R system. Option 4, "Questioning helps you survey the reading material," is not accurate because surveying is a separate step in the SQ3R system. Therefore, the correct answer is 2.) Questioning keeps your brain actively trying to find answers while you are reading.

Moving on to QUESTION 2, the correct answer is 1.) Reciting the answers to questions out loud helps you remember the answers to those questions.

The reciting step in the SQ3R system is crucial for reinforcing your understanding and retention of the material. By reciting the answers to your formulated questions out loud, you engage both your visual and auditory senses, which enhances the encoding of information. Reciting the answers helps to reinforce your memory of the material and allows you to identify any areas where you may still need to review or clarify.

To answer QUESTION 2, you need to evaluate each option based on the purpose and benefits of the reciting step. Option 2, "Reciting the answers to questions out loud is the only way to study for a test," is not accurate because studying involves various strategies, and reciting is just one of them. Option 3, "Reciting the answers to questions eliminates the need to take notes," is not true because note-taking serves a different purpose in the SQ3R system. Option 4, "Reciting teaches you to memorize the entire lesson, word for word," misses the point of understanding the material rather than rote memorization. Therefore, the correct answer is 1.) Reciting the answers to questions out loud helps you remember the answers to those questions.