The primary goal of the virginia company was to:

a. christianize the natives
b. discover gold
c. expirement with tobacco
d. establish a new nation

i think it is B

primary goal was profit so the answer is gold

You're right!

They failed to discover gold.

To determine the primary goal of the Virginia Company, we can look at its founding and early activities. To find the answer, we can conduct the following steps:

1. Research the Virginia Company: Look for reliable sources such as history books or educational websites that provide information about the Virginia Company. You can search for keywords like "Virginia Company goals."

2. Understand the context: The Virginia Company was a joint-stock company formed in 1606 by English investors and given a charter by King James I. It had the mission of establishing colonies in the New World and generating profits for its shareholders.

3. Analyze the options: Now that we have the context, let's evaluate each option:

a. Christianize the natives: While converting the Native Americans to Christianity was a secondary objective, it was not the primary goal of the Virginia Company. The primary focus was economic gain rather than religious conversion.

b. Discover gold: This option suggests that the primary goal was finding gold. Although the Virginia Company hoped to find valuable resources and make profits, it was not the primary objective.

c. Experiment with tobacco: The cultivation of tobacco played a crucial role in the company's success, but it was not the primary goal. Tobacco became an essential cash crop later on.

d. Establish a new nation: This goal is closely related to the primary aim of the Virginia Company. While establishing a new nation was not the primary purpose, it can be seen as a consequence of the company's efforts.

4. Reach a conclusion: Based on the analysis above, the primary goal of the Virginia Company was not solely focused on discovering gold, experimenting with tobacco, or Christianizing the natives. Instead, its primary objective was to establish a new nation and profitable colonies in the New World.

Therefore, the correct answer would be d. Establish a new nation.