A dozen of daisies cost $1.96. How much does a half dozen cost?

1.96/2 = ?

To find out how much a half dozen daisies cost, we need to determine the price per daisy.

Step 1: Calculate the price per daisy.
Divide the total cost of a dozen ($1.96) by the number of daisies in a dozen (12):
$1.96 / 12 = $0.1633 (rounded to four decimal places).

Step 2: Calculate the cost of a half dozen daisies.
Multiply the price per daisy ($0.1633) by the number of daisies in a half dozen (6):
$0.1633 x 6 = $0.9798 (rounded to four decimal places).

Therefore, a half dozen daisies cost approximately $0.98.

To find out how much a half dozen of daisies cost, we can use proportional reasoning.

First, we need to determine the cost per daisy. Since a dozen of daisies costs $1.96, we can divide the total cost by the number of daisies in a dozen.

$1.96 ÷ 12 = $0.163333333 (rounded to the nearest cent).

Next, we calculate the cost of a half dozen by multiplying the cost per daisy by the number of daisies in a half dozen, which is 6.

$0.163333333 × 6 = $0.98 (rounded to the nearest cent).

Therefore, a half dozen of daisies costs approximately $0.98.