How do you write five hundred two and three hundred nine thousandths in standard form?

What is 502.309 ?

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To write "five hundred two and three hundred nine thousandths" in standard form, we need to understand how to convert decimals to standard form.

First, let's separate the whole number part from the decimal part.
The whole number part is "five hundred two," which can be written as 502.

Next, let's focus on the decimal part, which is "three hundred nine thousandths."
To convert a decimal to standard form, we need to express the decimal part as the sum of the place values.

The decimal place values are:
- Tenths (1/10)
- Hundredths (1/100)
- Thousandths (1/1000)
- Ten-thousandths (1/10,000)
- And so on...

In our case, "three hundred nine thousandths" translates to 0.309, which is obtained by dividing 309 by 1000.

Now, we can combine the whole number and the decimal parts to write the number in standard form:
502 + 0.309 = 502.309

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