Kendall knows that a 45 ounce pitcher can hold enough lemonade for 6 people at this rate how many ounces of lemonade will Kendall need to serve 26 people.


Yes. He needs 195 ounces of lemonade.

Kendall knows that a 45 ounce picture can hold enough lemons for six people at this rate how many ounces of them will kindle need to service 26 people

To find out how many ounces of lemonade Kendall will need to serve 26 people, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

The given information states that a 45 ounce pitcher can hold enough lemonade for 6 people. We can write this as a ratio:

45 ounces of lemonade / 6 people

Now, we need to find out how many ounces Kendall will need to serve 26 people. Let's call this value "x" ounces of lemonade.

x ounces of lemonade / 26 people

To set up a proportion, we need to ensure the ratio of ounces of lemonade to people remains the same. Therefore, we can write the proportion:

45 ounces / 6 people = x ounces / 26 people

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

(45 ounces) * (26 people) = (6 people) * (x ounces)

1170 ounces * people = 6x ounces

Divide both sides by 6 people:

1170 ounces = 6x ounces

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides by 6:

1170 ounces / 6 = x ounces

x = 195 ounces

Therefore, Kendall will need 195 ounces of lemonade to serve 26 people.

45/6 = x/26

Cross multiply and solve for x.