explain how you would write 423,090,709,000 in word form

Four hundred twenty-three billion, ninety million, seven hundred nine thousand


What number is 10,000 less than 337, 676

Four hundred twenty-three billion, ninety million, seven hundred nine thousand

Four hundred twenty-three billion, ninety million, seven hundred nine thousand. Easy!

423,090,709,000 in word form

To write the number 423,090,709,000 in word form, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by breaking down the number into groups of three digits, starting from the right.
- In this case, the groups are: 423, 090, 709, and 000.

Step 2: Convert each group of three digits into words.
- For example:
- The first group, 423, can be written as "four hundred twenty-three".
- The second group, 090, can be written as "ninety".
- The third group, 709, can be written as "seven hundred nine".
- The fourth group, 000, does not need to be included as it represents zero.

Step 3: Attach appropriate magnitude words to each group according to their position.
- For example:
- The first group, 423, does not require any magnitude word since it is the largest group.
- The second group, 090, can be written as "ninety thousand".
- The third group, 709, can be written as "seven hundred nine million".
- The fourth group, 000, is excluded as it represents zero.

Step 4: Combine the groups together, separating them with commas and adding the word "and" where necessary.
- Putting it all together:
- 423,090,709,000 can be written in word form as "four hundred twenty-three billion, ninety million, seven hundred nine thousand".

So, the word form of 423,090,709,000 is "four hundred twenty-three billion, ninety million, seven hundred nine thousand".

how would i write the word form of 423,090,709,000


First u have a place value in front of u then u start to answer the question so 4is four hundred 23billion ninety billion 7hundred nine thousand.