Your associate's degree requires 63 credits. You have already completed four 3-credit courses and three 4-credit courses.

(a) What fraction of the required credits have you completed?

(b) What fraction of required credits remain before you can graduate?

Can someone please help i do not know where to even start

would it be 24/63?

you are correct on (a), so I guess you did know where to start, and after only 5 minutes of effort!

So, that leaves 39/63 left to do, since 24+39 = 63


To determine the fraction of the required credits you have completed, you need to add up the total credits you have completed and divide it by the total number of credits required.

In this case, you have completed four 3-credit courses and three 4-credit courses. So, the total number of credits you have completed is (4 * 3) + (3 * 4) = 12 + 12 = 24.

(a) Now, divide the total credits completed (24) by the total required credits (63):

Fraction of required credits completed = 24 / 63

This fraction can be simplified or expressed as a decimal or percentage as needed.

To determine the fraction of required credits remaining before you can graduate, subtract the credits completed from the total required credits:

Total required credits - Total credits completed = 63 - 24 = 39.

(b) So, the fraction of required credits remaining is:

Fraction of required credits remaining = 39 / 63

Again, you can simplify, or express it as a decimal or percentage based on your needs.

By using these calculations, you can find the answers to both parts of the question.