What are the odds in favor of randomly drawing the letter C from the letters in the word CANADIAN?The odds are from ____ to _____

C is one of 8 letters in the word, Canadian = 1/8

The probability is 1/8. But odds are expressed in a "for versus against" fashion, or in this case, 1:7 because there's one case where it's a C and 7 cases where it's not a C.

What are the odds in favor of randomly drawing the letter Upper N from the letters in the word REFERENCE

To calculate the odds in favor of randomly drawing the letter C from the letters in the word CANADIAN, we need to determine the number of favorable outcomes (drawing the letter C) and the number of possible outcomes (drawing any letter from the word CANADIAN).

First, let's find the number of favorable outcomes, which is the number of times the letter C appears in the word. In the word CANADIAN, the letter C appears once.

Next, we need to find the number of possible outcomes, which is the total number of letters in the word CANADIAN. In this case, there are 8 letters in total.

So, the odds in favor of drawing the letter C from the letters in the word CANADIAN are 1 to 8.

Therefore, the odds are from 1 to 8.