If you place one staple on an electrionc, the balance still reads 0.0 grams.However ,if you place 210 staples on the blance ,it reads 6.80 grams .What is the mass of one staple ?

- i don't understand this can u explan it

ccan someone helop me i need helo

One staple is probably to light to pick up on the balance. Let m = mass of one staple.

210*m = 6.8
m = 6.8/210
m = 0.032g

Thx for helping me 😁

Certainly! Let's break down the problem step by step.

We are given two scenarios:
Scenario 1: When one staple is placed on the electronic balance, the reading is 0.0 grams.
Scenario 2: When 210 staples are placed on the balance, the reading is 6.80 grams.

Now, to find the mass of one staple, we need to compare the difference in mass between Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. By subtracting the mass of the balance without any staples (Scenario 1) from the mass of the balance with 210 staples (Scenario 2), we can determine the mass of 210 staples.

So, the mass of 210 staples is 6.80 grams. This means that the mass of one staple is equal to the mass of 210 staples divided by 210. This calculation will give us the mass of one individual staple.

To find the mass of one staple:
Mass of one staple = Mass of 210 staples / 210

Performing the calculation, we have:
Mass of one staple = 6.80 grams / 210

Solving this equation, we find that the mass of one staple is approximately 0.0324 grams.

Therefore, the mass of one staple is approximately 0.0324 grams based on the given information.