In the number 436,621 which places contain digits where one digit is ten times as great as the other?

I picked the 2 6's.


To determine which places in the number 436,621 contain digits where one digit is ten times as great as the other, you will need to compare the digits in each place value.

The number 436,621 consists of six digits arranged in different place values:

Place value: 100,000 | 10,000 | 1,000 | 100 | 10 | 1
Digit: 4 3 6 6 2 1

In this case, you are looking for a digit where one digit is ten times greater than the other. Therefore, you need to check each adjacent digit.

Comparing each digit pair:
- The first two digits, 4 and 3, are not a pair where one digit is ten times greater than the other.
- The next two digits, 3 and 6, are not a pair where one digit is ten times greater than the other.
- However, the next pair, 6 and 2, does satisfy the condition. 6 is ten times greater than 2.

So, you are correct, the 2 and the first 6 in 436,621 are the two digits where one digit is ten times as great as the other.