can someone translate this for me so I can understand the problem in English?

Puedes doblar para multiplicar 7 x 3? explica.

Can you double in order to multiply 7 x 3? Explain.

To translate the sentence from Spanish to English, you can use an online translation tool or a language translation app. One popular tool is Google Translate. Here are the steps to use it:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or smartphone.
2. Go to the Google Translate website ( or open the Google Translate app.
3. In the input box, enter the Spanish sentence: "Puedes doblar para multiplicar 7 x 3? explica."
4. Choose the translation from Spanish to English as the selected language.
5. The translated sentence will appear in the output box. In this case, the translation is: "Can you double to multiply 7 x 3? Explain."

Now, to answer your question, "Can you double to multiply 7 x 3?" Let's break it down:

"Doubling" means multiplying a number by 2. In this case, it's asking if you can double a number as a strategy to solve the multiplication problem 7 x 3.

To understand the concept, let's use the dobling strategy:

Start with the number 7. Double it by multiplying it by 2:
7 x 2 = 14

Now, to find the product of 7 x 3, we can use the doubling strategy again by doubling the result of 7 x 2:

14 x 2 = 28

So, the answer to 7 x 3 using the doubling strategy is 28.

In conclusion, the sentence is asking if you can use the doubling strategy to solve the multiplication problem 7 x 3, and the answer is yes.