Understanding which flavors complement each other can take years of practice

Following these basic tenets will allow you to produce recipes that your friends and family will love to share.

Once you’ve mastered flavor combinations, however, there’s no end to the tasty experiments you can think up.

The key to developing a truly delicious and user-friendly recipe is to focus on flavor combinations and simplicity.

For kitchen experiments to become usable recipes, you should keep the user in mind and focus on clear, concise instructions.

Using the sentences above, which of the following sentence orders best forms an organized, logical paragraph?

a-1, 3, 4, 5, 2

b-2, 1, 3, 5, 4

c-4, 1, 3, 5, 2

d-5, 2, 1, 4, 3

I think it's C

I agree.

You are correct! The best sentence order to form an organized, logical paragraph is option c-4, 1, 3, 5, 2. Let me explain why.

Starting with sentence 4, it introduces the key concept of developing a truly delicious and user-friendly recipe by focusing on flavor combinations and simplicity. This sets the stage for understanding the importance of flavors complementing each other.

Then, sentence 1 reinforces the idea that understanding flavor combinations can take years of practice, but it is crucial for producing recipes that people will enjoy.

Next, sentence 3 continues the discussion by emphasizing that once you've mastered flavor combinations, you can experiment with endless tasty recipes. It builds on the idea that practice leads to creativity in the kitchen.

Sentence 5 shifts the focus towards the end result by stating that to turn kitchen experiments into usable recipes, you need to consider the user and provide clear, concise instructions.

Lastly, sentence 2 concludes the paragraph by stating that following these basic tenets will allow you to produce recipes that your friends and family will love to share. It wraps up the paragraph by summarizing the importance of the discussed concepts.

Therefore, the best sentence order is: 4, 1, 3, 5, 2, which corresponds to option c. Well done!