An eagle is a carnivore. It MOST LIKELY gets the energy it needs to reproduce from

the sun.---------

The sun

What does carnivore have to do with the sun?

The correct answer is D) rodents. Eagles are carnivores, meaning they primarily eat meat. Their diet typically consists of small mammals like rodents, which provide the energy and nutrients needed for reproduction. Oxygen (A) is necessary for respiration, plants (B) are not a direct source of energy for carnivores, and the sun (C) is not a source of energy for animals in general.

To determine the correct answer, we need to consider the characteristics and behaviors of eagles. Eagles are birds of prey that belong to the carnivore category, meaning they primarily feed on other animals. They have a sharp beak and strong talons for capturing and tearing apart their prey.

Option A, oxygen, is not the correct answer because while oxygen is necessary for all living organisms, it does not directly provide the energy for reproduction.

Option B, plants, is also incorrect because eagles are not equipped to digest plant matter efficiently. Their diet mainly consists of meat, specifically small mammals, birds, and fish.

Option C, the sun, is not applicable to eagles. The sun primarily provides energy for photosynthesis in plants, not for the reproduction of carnivorous animals.

Option D, rodents, is the correct answer. Since eagles are carnivores, they get energy from consuming other animals, such as rodents, which provide the necessary nutrients and calories for reproduction.