Which one of the following words or phrases may be a clue that a sentence is inferring cause and effect?

A. Before
B. On the other hand
C. Consequently
D. Instead of

And your answer is?

The word or phrase that may be a clue that a sentence is inferring cause and effect is "Consequently." Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

The clue that a sentence is inferring cause and effect is often indicated by certain words or phrases. In this case, the word or phrase that may be a clue suggesting cause and effect is "Consequently" (option C).

To understand this, it's useful to recognize that cause and effect relationships are typically expressed by connecting the cause (the reason or factor that brings about an event or state) to the effect (the result or consequence of that cause). Words like "consequently," "therefore," "thus," "as a result," or "because" signal the presence of a cause and effect relationship in a sentence.

In this question, the word "consequently" (option C) specifically indicates that a sentence is likely inferring a cause and effect relationship between the two parts of the sentence.