Write a problem with a real-world context using |36|


A company needs to determine the number of employees who will be available to work on a project for the upcoming week. The project requires a minimum of 36 employees to be assigned. However, due to various factors such as vacation, illness, and other commitments, the company needs to determine if they have enough available employees to meet this requirement.

To solve this problem, the company must gather information about the availability of each employee. They can do this by using methods such as an online scheduling tool, employee feedback, or direct communication with each employee.

Once they have the availability data, they need to count the number of employees who are available to work on the project for the upcoming week. If the number is equal to or greater than 36, then the company has enough employees to proceed with the project. However, if the number falls below 36, the company needs to consider alternative options such as hiring temporary employees or adjusting the project timeline.

Overall, this problem highlights the real-world challenge of allocating resources effectively by considering employee availability when planning projects. The company must carefully evaluate the data to ensure they have enough employees to meet the project's requirements and make necessary adjustments if needed.