Jim dis an experiment on plants. He usd ater milk and juice to water the plant. What he used is called the -----varable The response to the watering is called the ------- variable.

See my response to your first question about independent and dependent variables.

This question is answered there.

The variable that Jim used, which refers to the different substances he used to water the plant (water, milk, and juice), is called the independent variable. The response to the watering, which refers to how the plant reacts to each substance, is called the dependent variable.

In this experiment, Jim used water, milk, and juice to water the plants. The term used to describe what Jim used, such as water, milk, or juice, is called the independent variable.

To find out the response of the plants to each watering, Jim would observe and measure any changes in the plants' growth or health. This response is known as the dependent variable.