In The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail why is Thoreau in jail?

A. for robbery

B. for failure to pay taxes

C. for speeding

D. for lying in court

He must have been speeding.

Or -- do you have the right answer?

I know its not speeding...

I think it is B.

:-) Yes. B is right.

To determine why Thoreau is in jail in "The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail," we should carefully analyze the given options.

A. For robbery: This option does not align with the circumstances described in the play. Thoreau's reasons for imprisonment are closely tied to his principles and beliefs, rather than engaging in criminal activities like robbery.

B. For failure to pay taxes: This option is the correct answer. Thoreau was indeed jailed for refusing to pay his poll tax as a form of protest against slavery and the Mexican-American War. Thoreau believed that by complying with the law and paying taxes, he would indirectly support these unjust practices.

C. For speeding: Speeding violations have no relevance to Thoreau's reason for being in jail. "The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail" focuses on Thoreau's philosophical and political beliefs, rather than any traffic violations.

D. For lying in court: Thoreau's imprisonment has no connection to lying in court. The play primarily revolves around his resistance to societal norms and his decision to follow his conscience.

Thus, the correct answer is B. for failure to pay taxes.