The number of items on two grocery list differs by seven.the total number of items is 33 how many items on each list

If the shorter list has x items, then

x + x+7 = 33

Let's say the number of items on the first grocery list is x.

According to the given information, the number of items on the second grocery list will be x + 7, as it differs by seven.

The total number of items on both lists is 33.

So, we can write the equation x + (x + 7) = 33 to represent this information.

Simplifying the equation, we get:
2x + 7 = 33

Now, let's solve the equation to find the value of x, which will give us the number of items on the first grocery list.

Subtracting 7 from both sides of the equation:
2x = 33 - 7
2x = 26

Dividing both sides of the equation by 2:
x = 26/2
x = 13

Therefore, there are 13 items on the first grocery list.

To find the number of items on the second grocery list, we can substitute the value of x into the expression we derived earlier: x + 7.

So, the number of items on the second grocery list is:
13 + 7 = 20

Hence, there are 13 items on the first grocery list and 20 items on the second grocery list.