8 ft of ribbon cost $4.80. The ribbon was cut into pieces measuring 16 inches. What is the cost of each piece?

Is the answer $0.80?


Thank you

You're very welcome.

To find the cost of each piece of ribbon, you need to analyze the given information.

First, we know that the total length of the ribbon is 8 ft, which is equivalent to 8 * 12 = 96 inches.

Next, we divide the total length of the ribbon by the length of each piece, which is 16 inches. This will give us the total number of pieces of ribbon 96 / 16 = 6 pieces.

Finally, we divide the total cost of the ribbon, which is $4.80, by the total number of pieces, which is 6.

Therefore, the cost of each piece of ribbon is $4.80 / 6 = $0.80.

So yes, the answer is indeed $0.80.